

Automation systems integration and actions planned from operational to executive level with performance gain and operating yield

An Automation System must contemplate all the operational levels of the Industry, controlling the Process and migrating all the data of this Process to the Corporation.

The objective is to make all process information available in real time, at all operational levels, such as: leaders, management and directors, respecting the level of access granted and allowed at each level of the organizational hierarchy. Remote access to information from any point where the user is located: control, operation and data; it is a reality of our day and Fertron has incorporated this tool in its several access options, allied to the communication systems, to the solutions offered to our customers.

Therefore, the project must be previously structured in order to contemplate Integration and planned actions from the operational level to the executive, with performance gains and operational income. Fertron has a highly qualified team of Engineering Projects, Applications and Systems to meet the applications of the most diverse sectors.

Fertron provides equipment and activities related to control and automation engineering for its industry. For this, it is part of the scope of supply of Fertron, the development of the project, manufacture and application of the following activities and products:


The Automation Master Plans are engineering studies with the purpose of detailing specifications for an automation and process control system, providing basic and conceptual engineering information, details for purchases and manufacturing and erection guidelines, both for devices, hardware and software, respecting standards and based on technical and commercial feasibility.

Items of AMP:


We saw at the beginning of the century in this decade, proclaim that we live in the information age, but it took us around 30 years to see this applied technological revolution to arrive at these terms. Will we wait another 30 years for a new era? No, the times of new generations are getting shorter, considering that we are entering a new decade, in this new century and we are no longer in the age of information, we are living in the age of knowledge, information is already for all of us, in any place at any time. Based on these concepts, will we then bring them to the area of ​​industrial automation, more specifically in the Sugar, Ethanol and Energy sector, in acronym for SEE, has this sector lived and is it experiencing these changes?

Fertron Solutions in DCS Systems

Yes, we will comment on the most evident elements: In the past, automation and control were designed in control by SDCD or DCS (Digital Distributed Control Systems) and relay logic with timers, for automation of movement and time elements. In this period, the SEE sector at most applied pneumatic controls to its processes. At the beginning of the 90s, we saw the PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) and Scada (Supervisory) taking over a new generation in technology, we saw improvements in scale in processes, as the costs to apply this new automation became attractive to several AEE plants, we were living in a new reality, we were talking about electronic control, operated by supervisors and we ended the decade with the application of industrial networks. productivity. So, in this new century and the beginning of the decade, we talk to about new technologies, such as plant asset management, consolidation of industrial networks and convergence of IT (Information Technology) on the shop floor and in the this sectors, already questioning the effectiveness of processes, not only produce for the sake of production, at this time too, groups are formed, foreign capital enters the sector, which also has to absorb a new management culture, through corporate governance. In this new generation of automation that we live in, the PDA (Automation Master Plans), are no longer treated as automation on the shop floor, but as governance processes to meet information management, resulting in plant knowledge, in order to ensure consistent and real-time data, setting up indications directly for investors applying in this SEE market. In view of these new requirements, how are our PLC and Scadas systems?

To meet these new realities, investment in Industrial Management with convergence systems will be mandatory, all process information will be stored and processed in an industrial database, in the same way that corporate data is treated, resulting in knowledge of productivity and effectiveness, quantified financial assets in process in real time.

Another option in new AMP or investment plans for  SEE Processes upgrades is DCS, as the level of maturity of businesses in SEE has been growing year by year, the search for systems integrated with all tools, from analyzing signals from the smallest field level to Industrial Management data, such as OEE index, which indicates the effectiveness of a sector or an entire plant, separate requirements, such as governance in line with Sarbanes-Oxley that define company data consistency , which as a rule negotiate securities on the stock exchange, this being the new realities that the SEE sectors are experiencing at the moment. Evolution requires investment, it is clear that investments continue steadily, new technologies appear every day, decreasing the time of the engineering generations that we apply, in the same way, we have seen the SEE sector increasingly seeking to fully manage processes and expect return on investments in a quantitative and qualitative way, that is, applied knowledge, our current generation.